Achieving Vision 2030 from a technical point of view


I believe for Kenya to achieve vision 2030, there must be conducive environment, both for conducting business and also for acquiring knowledge and skills required in the implementation process, this includes technical skills acquired in Universities and technical colleges. Practicals should be focused more in technical courses as opposed to theory. I would find it irrelevant to find a student focusing more on discrete components when (S)He is doing a course on Mobile technology as opposed to embedded technology. I don’t assume that discrete technology is absolute but it should not be much emphasized (reinvention of the wheel). Technology is dynamic and i believe we should be able to change with it and adopt to it as quickly as possible. Companies such as Apple, Samsung, Nokia and other technology giants are competing in technology and in the process changing the world in a great way. Kenya should not be left behind since every year thousands of Engineering graduates complete their studies. Unfortunately very little is being done to encourage and boost these creative brains. The society is still encouraging graduates to focus more on looking for jobs without addressing the issue of self employment. I cannot fail to recognize the role which innovation centres (such as ihub, ilab, fablab etc) are playing in our country. The Government in collaboration should support such innovation centers especially in all Universities and Technical Colleges offering Engineering courses.




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